Activity reports

Voice from students


National origin
Your class and year
大阪大学 工学部 電子情報工学科 4年生
Visited Japan from India in 2017
Please tell your purpose of studying in Japan and the reason why you choose School of Engineering, Osaka University.
As an engineering student, I choose to study at Osaka University because it is ranked among the top universities in Japan for its advance research and expertise in the field of science. In addition, I felt that Osaka city had lot more to offer than other big cities like Tokyo or Yokohama. Being in the heart of Kansai region, Osaka offers a perfect blend of Japan’s culture and its advanced technology. Also, when I was applying to universities, Osaka University had one of the highest numbers of international students than any other University. Therefore, I felt more inclined towards choosing Osaka University, as the high population of international students reflected Osaka University’s strong support system for international students.
What are good things studying in School of Engineering, Osaka University?
One can witness very advance and cutting-edge research at Osaka University. As an engineering student, I had the opportunity to work under the guidance of very esteemed professors, which gave me confidence to comprehensively understand research disciplines. Furthermore, at Osaka University, I had numerous opportunities for cross-cultural exchanges and collaboration with people of diverse backgrounds. The international student association "OUISA" hosted events that made student life at Osaka University more interesting and fun and provided an excellent support system for international students.
Furthermore, Osaka's proximity to destinations like Kyoto, Nara, and Kobe allowed me to have a deeper knowledge of Japanese culture. I lived in Tokyo for a year before moving to Osaka, and I found the people in Osaka to be more friendly and easy to talk to, which made it easier to feel at home in Osaka.


National origin
JAPAN (currently lives in England)
Your class and year
University of Oxford, Division of Physics, 3rd year
Why do you study in Enginnering, Osaka University?
もともとレーザー科学やプラズマ物理に興味を持っていたので、イギリスの大学の先生に聞いてみた所、その分野が世界的に優れている大阪大学の尾崎先生とコンタクトを取ってくれました。今回は激光XII号やLFEX レーザーを使った電子駆動磁気リコネクションの磁場の測定を図る研究に短いながら参加させて頂きました。いろいろな国から来た研究者達とのコミュニケーションが欠かせない共同実験を初めて経験し、最先端科学を前に進める異文化対応力やグローバルな心構えの重要性を実践を通して改めて学び、とても貴重な時間になりました。
What are differences between Japan and Overseas University?
日本では大学課程が4年制になっていて、自分の専門に時間をかけてしっかり理解することが出来とても良いと思いました。そして、日本の学生はとても真面目で面倒見が良く、先輩と後輩との関係がとても親密でした。先生達もとても明るくかつ真剣に研究に取り組んでいて、学生とも親しく研究室の一体感が感じられました。 一方3年制のイギリスでは、進度が早いため、時間管理能力がとても磨かれます。遊ぶ時も全力で遊び、勉強と遊びの切り替えがとても早いです。また、世界中から学生が勉強しに来ており、日頃から多文化の受け入れが日常化している所もイギリスならではの特徴だと思います。